Borrowers of Bounce Back loans given six more months for repayments

Businesses that took out government-backed Bounce Back loans to get through the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic will now have greater flexibility to repay their loans, the government has announced.


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Consultations launched on UK's first Tax Day

The government has published over 30 updates, consultations and documents on the UK's first ever Tax Day.

The announcements, which would traditionally be published at Budget, have been released…

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Fourth self-employed grant now open for online applications

On 21 April, the online service for applications for the fourth Self-employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grant was opened for claims, HMRC confirmed.

All applications must be submitted…

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Advisory fuel rates for company cars

New company car advisory fuel rates have been published and took effect from 1 June 2021.

The guidance states: 'You can use the previous rates for up to one month from the date the new…

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Data reveals 1.9 million workers remain on furlough

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) is being wound down on 30 September 2021 and data published by HMRC has revealed that 1.9 million workers remain on furlough.

The data showed that…

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Digital marketplaces to report sellers' incomes from 2023

HMRC has published a consultation that outlines plans to implement reporting rules for digital platforms first put forward by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).


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British Business Bank provided £80.5 billion of COVID-19 support

COVID-19 emergency finance schemes offered £80.5 billion of finance to almost 1.7 million businesses through the British Business Bank (BBB) during the last financial year.

This support, which…

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HMRC issues warning on self assessment scams

HMRC has warned taxpayers completing their 2020/21 tax returns to 'be on their guard' and stay vigilant in regard to tax-related scams.

Nearly 800,000 tax scams were reported in the last…

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HMRC waives self assessment penalties for one month to ease COVID-19 pressures

HMRC is waiving late filing and late payment penalties for self assessment taxpayers for one month.

The measure will give those taxpayers affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) extra time,…

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