More than £30 million lost to pension scams

Over £30 million has been lost to pension scams since 2017, according to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and The Pensions Regulator (TPR).

A total of £30,857,329 in pension savings has…

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VAT deferral and enhanced Time to Pay for self assessment

Over half a million businesses deferred VAT payments, which were due in March to June 2020, with these payments becoming due at the end of March 2021.

As part of the Winter Economy Plan the…

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HMRC confirms MTD for corporation tax to be mandated from 2026

In a new consultation HMRC has confirmed that Making Tax Digital for corporation tax (MTD for CT) will not be implemented until 2026 'at the earliest'.

The consultation considers how the principles…

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Rogue employers named and shamed for failing to pay employees the minimum wage

HMRC has published the names of 139 named companies that failed to pay minimum wages amounting to £6.7 million to over 95,000 workers.

HMRC has named 139 companies, including major household…

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Business groups welcome Budget

Business groups welcomed the Chancellor's Budget for protecting the economy now and kickstarting recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tony Danker, Director General of the CBI, said: 'The…

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Recovery Loan Scheme opens to businesses

On 6 April, the Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS) was introduced to replace the government's coronavirus lending schemes.

The RLS provides financial support to businesses affected by the COVID-19…

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HMRC's VAT Deferral New Payment Scheme to close this month

Businesses that deferred VAT payments last year have less than a month left to join online and pay in monthly instalments under the VAT Deferral New Payment Scheme, HMRC has warned.

The online…

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440,000 tax credit claimants still to renew their claims

HMRC is reminding tax credit claimants that they have until 31 July 2021 to renew their claims.

According to HMRC, 440,000 claimants have yet to renew their claims. More than 2.5 million annual…

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Pension scams average losses now over £50,000

According to the latest figures from Action Fraud the average loss from pension scams has reached £50,949 this year.

That is more than double the typical figure of £23, 689 reported last year.


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