HMRC sets out penalty regime for SEISS abuse

The fourth Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grant is now live and HMRC has set out the penalties for abuse of the scheme.

An overclaimed SEISS grant includes any amount of grant…

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HMRC launches 13,000 investigations into COVID-19 support schemes

HMRC has launched nearly 13,000 investigations into alleged abuse of the government's coronavirus (COVID-19) financial support schemes.

A freedom of information request revealed that, up…

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ICAEW urges HMRC to scrap exemptions to simplify VAT rules

In response to HMRC's consultation on simplifying the rules relating to land and property, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) has urged HMRC to abolish all VAT exemptions…

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Employers 'named and shamed' for paying less than minimum wage

The government has 'named and shamed' 191 companies that have broken National Minimum Wage (NMW) laws.

Following investigations by HMRC, the named firms have been fined for owing £2.1 million…

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Business groups give mixed response to Budget

Business groups gave a mixed response to Chancellor Rishi Sunak's 2021 Autumn Budget speech.

Responding to the speech, the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) said that the Chancellor…

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HMRC's tax take falls by billions due to pandemic

HMRC saw a drop of almost £30 billion in tax revenues in the latest financial year because of the pandemic, according to its annual accounts.

In its 2020/21 annual report, HMRC reported that…

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Over 440,000 small firms at risk due to late payment crisis

More than 440,000 small firms could be forced out of business by the late payment crisis, according to the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB).

An FSB study of more than 1,200 business owners…

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Advisory fuel rates for company cars

New company car advisory fuel rates have been published and took effect from 1 March 2022.

The guidance states: 'you can use the previous rates for up to one month from the date the new…

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Student loan repayments for new borrowers to start at £25,000

The level at which students begin to pay back their loans will be lowered from £27,295 to £25,000 for new borrowers.

From September 2023, the interest rate on student loans will also be set…

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