Advisory fuel rates for company cars

New company car advisory fuel rates have been published and took effect from 1 December 2022.

The guidance states: 'you can use the previous rates for up to one month from the date the…

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Chancellor announces Spring Budget date

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has announced that the Spring Budget will be delivered on 15 March 2023.

Mr Hunt stated that he has commissioned the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) to prepare…

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Energy bill support for firms to be reduced from April

Businesses will receive reduced support for their energy bills from April as the UK government attempts to cut the cost of compensating for soaring gas and electricity prices, the Treasury has confirmed.


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Taxpayers given more time for voluntary national insurance contributions

The government has extended the voluntary national insurance deadline to give taxpayers more time to fill gaps in their contributions and boost their state pensions.

The extension comes after…

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HMRC increases late payment interest rate

Following the Bank of England's latest increase in the base rate, HMRC has increased both late paid tax and the rate paid on repayments of tax.

The Bank increased the base rate to 4.5% from…

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HMRC closes self assessment helpline for three months

HMRC is planning to close its self assessment tax helpline for three months over the summer to focus call centre resources on dealing with other problem calls.

All calls to the helpline will…

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Inflation falls

The UK's annual inflation rate fell to 6.8% in July, down from 7.9% in June, according to the latest data from the Office of National Statistics (ONS).

It is the smallest increase in the…

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Government slow to recover over £1 billion Covid grant fraud

The government has been slow to recover losses of £1.1 billion from fraud and error in Covid grant schemes, according to MPs in the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

The latest PAC report found…

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Advisory fuel rates for company cars

New company car advisory fuel rates have been published and took effect from 1 December 2023.

The guidance states: 'you can use the previous rates for up to one month from the date the…

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